Genetic Genealogy for the Medical Field
QuestDNA has recently been involved with pioneering the technique termed Medical Inherited Genetic Genealogy (MIGG), a multi-phased approach to addressing rare genetic disorders. The first phase of this technique takes into account the unique hereditary patterns associated with a disorder and applies genealogy in order to determine carrier prediction.
The second phase uses focused outreach to those that are possible carriers. And finally, the last phase involves a plan of action/next steps, resources and awareness for those possible carriers. Throughout the process, we work closely with a team of legal experts to address privacy considerations and unique communication concerns.
Locate potential carrier by combining genealogy, research and hereditary patterns
Identify carriers through testing
Protocols for treatments and therapies to improve the lives of patients
Uses of MIGG
Discover the start of a disorder
Find carriers for potential life-saving treatments
Awareness for rare genetic disorders
Encourage testing among potential carriers