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Genetic Genealogy for Law Enforcement - Unidentified Human Remains & Crime Scene DNA

Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy (FIGG) uses both genetic analysis along with traditional historical and genealogical research to find common ancestors, build family trees and find potential candidates who might fit the time and place of a crime and/or other evidence. For Law Enforcement (LE), it can be a powerful tool that can point to the potential identity of a perpetrator or identify remains by linking DNA to the family of a missing person. 

Types of Cases that use FIGG

Law Enforcement is continually turning to FIGG when all other traditional methods have left cases cold. As of today, hundreds of cases nationwide have been solved via LE working with FIGG agencies. Because CODIS is limited by its pool of candidates and familial searching (in some states), FIGG can be a powerful tool to generate leads on unknown subjects narrowing down potential candidates to a region, a family, or even an individual.


In addition, FIGG is not just being used on cold cases. LE is starting to use this tool on hot cases as a matter of public safety stopping serial offenders in their tracks. 

The Process

When cases get closed in a timely manner, this not only reduces the risk to public safety and increases confidence in LE, but it also dramatically decreases the monetary costs a department and society as a whole endure.


Below is the overall process of using FIGG for a LE case:

Find out if FIGG would be a good fit for your case.

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